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About Us

Willows Property Group Potchefstroom and Clarens is your first choice in Property Sales, Rentals and Property Management. Willows Property Group represents a Group of Companies that was established in 2005 by the Van Heerden Family. Marlene van Heerden is the agency’s principal and owner with more than 25 years experience in the industry. Willows Property Group comprises of a sales team of outstanding Property Consultants who has the support of an Office Manager, Financial Manager and Administrative Manager. The Team specialise in Property Sales and Developments in and around Potchefstroom and Clarens. Also under the banner of the Willows Property Group, is the Rentals Team, the Property Management Division (Body Corporate Management on behalf of Trustees), as well as the Maintenance Division. More detail below. Willows Property Group is your go-to place where you will find a true partner for a long lasting relationship in property.

Our Mission

To provide a service with integrity and competence. To serve our clients with outstanding service and provide in all their property needs.

We are powered by relationships.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to provide exceptional Property services to Potchefstroom, Clarens and the surrounding market.

Through strong Relationships, efficiency of the management team and skilled agents, we strive to be one of the leading property groups, expanding beyond the province borders.


Willows Property Group

Owned and Principled by Marlene van Heerden, the company has Qualified Estate Agents that specialise in Property Sales and Developments, in and around Potchefstroom and Clarens.


Willows Property Group Rentals

The Team have been trained to focus on rentals of residential and Commercial Properties in Potchefstroom.


Willows Property Management

This company focus on secretarial, accounting and physical property management of Sectional Tile Properties and Home Owners Associations. Managed by Fanus van Heerden (B.Comm. Accounting and B.Comm Hons.) as co-owner, accountant and Property Manager. Santie Saunders is the administration manager that will handle all the needs of the owners of the complexes we manage.

Christelle du Plessis is the complex manager and offer service to tenants, Home owners and Sectional Title Schemes that is rented , sold , or managed by the greater Willows Property Group.

We also offers a well trained and skilled team for maintenance services to customers of Willows Property Group and the public of Potchefstroom. Only qualified electricians and plumbers are subcontracted for specialised work. Ubuntu Maintenance offers a peace of mind services to tenants, landlords, Sectional Title Schemes and individual property owners at reasonable fees.



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